ESL (English as a Second Language) Dictionaries

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Merriam-Webster’s Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary

Dictionary Name Features Focus Language Variants Detailed Introduction
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Clear definitions, usage examples, word collocations, helpful for understanding context Practical usage for learners British English This dictionary is tailored for English learners at advanced levels. It provides clear, comprehensive definitions with example sentences to illustrate usage, along with guidance on word collocations and grammar. It emphasizes practical usage and helps learners understand words in context.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Simple definitions, usage examples, word collocations, synonyms and antonyms Practical usage for learners British English Designed to be learner-friendly, this dictionary offers straightforward definitions and usage examples. It includes information on word collocations and provides synonyms and antonyms to help learners understand word relationships and improve their vocabulary.
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Clear definitions, usage examples, word frequency, pronunciation guides, example sentences from real contexts Advanced learners, academic and everyday usage British and American English This dictionary caters to advanced learners and provides clear, precise definitions with real-context examples. It includes pronunciation guides and information on word frequency, helping learners grasp both academic and everyday usage of words.
Macmillan Dictionary Straightforward definitions, usage examples, frequency information, thesaurus Clarity and learner-friendly British English Known for its clear and straightforward definitions, this dictionary also includes usage examples and frequency information. It features a thesaurus to aid in understanding word meanings and finding synonyms, making it a comprehensive resource for learners.
Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners Detailed definitions, usage examples, word frequency, academic and professional terms Advanced learners, academic usage British English This advanced learner’s dictionary provides detailed definitions and usage examples, focusing on academic and professional contexts. It includes word frequency data to help learners understand the commonality of terms and their application in various fields.
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary Clear, simple definitions, usage examples, word frequency, corpus-based examples Practical usage, learner-focused, modern usage British English Featuring clear and simple definitions based on real language usage, this dictionary includes corpus-based examples to reflect modern usage. It focuses on practical and learner-friendly explanations, making it ideal for advanced learners.
Collins English Dictionary for Learners Easy-to-understand definitions, usage examples, common phrases, and collocations Modern usage, learner-friendly British English Designed for learners, this dictionary offers easy-to-understand definitions and includes common phrases and collocations. It emphasizes modern usage and practical examples to support language learning.
Merriam-Webster’s Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary Clear definitions, example sentences, usage notes, pronunciation guides, focus on modern American usage Advanced learners, practical usage American English This dictionary provides clear definitions and example sentences, along with usage notes to clarify nuances. It includes pronunciation guides and focuses on modern American English, making it suitable for advanced learners looking for practical usage and detailed explanations.

Non-ESL (General Use) Dictionaries

Dictionary Name Features Focus Language Variants Detailed Introduction
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Comprehensive historical coverage, etymology, usage evolution, detailed historical context Historical context and depth British English The OED is renowned for its exhaustive historical and etymological coverage of the English language. It provides detailed information on word origins, historical usage, and changes in meaning over time, making it an authoritative resource for linguistic research and historical context.
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Practical definitions, pronunciations, usage examples, clear and concise Modern American English usage American English This dictionary is well-regarded for its practical and clear definitions of modern American English. It includes pronunciation guides and usage examples, making it a reliable reference for understanding contemporary language and usage.
Collins English Dictionary Extensive word lists, clear definitions, idiomatic expressions, contemporary usage Modern usage and slang British English Known for its comprehensive word lists and clear definitions, this dictionary also includes idiomatic expressions and reflects contemporary language usage. It provides a broad perspective on modern English, including slang and informal language.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Detailed word histories, usage notes, pronunciations, and in-depth explanations American English usage and etymology American English The American Heritage Dictionary offers detailed word histories, usage notes, and pronunciations. It provides in-depth explanations of American English usage and etymology, making it a valuable resource for understanding the nuances and origins of words.

This table now includes a detailed introduction for each dictionary to provide a clearer understanding of their specific features and focuses.

ESL(English as a Second Language)


  1. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6th Edition
    《朗文当代高级英语辞典第六版》,由朗文出版公司出版。朗文出版公司创办于1755年,出版词典已有251年历史,其词典的权威性一直为世人所公认。在几种学习型词典中,朗文英英的收词量最大,图片最丰富,短语,例句也非常完善。词典给出了每个单词的音标以及英式和美式发音,同时还有单词的词源 。LDOCE6最令人感动的地方是:单词的例句都是带有发音的!这种发音不是机械的电脑合成音,而是真人原声,非常清晰自然。看例句的时候可以听一听语音,可以加深对例句的理解。 除了真人语音之外,LDOCE6还有一个很实用的功能:COLLOCATIONS,也就是搭配功能,这一点对写作很有帮助。词典还有另一个很实用的功能:THESAURUS。

  2. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

  3. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners 2nd Edition

  4. Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary
    《柯林斯高阶英英词典》 ,对于初学者来说,它可能是最适合入门的一本英英词典。词典最大的特色有两个,一个是英文释义采用整句释义,一个是五星词频。什么是整句释义呢?就是结合语境用整个完整的句子来解释单词。这种解释形式对于加深学习者对单词的理解和使用是非常有效的。柯林斯词典的另一个特色是它采用的五星词频。柯林斯词典有一个高达2.5亿的语料库,从语料库中筛选出了最常用的14600词用五星标注。其中五级(最常用词,以下逐级次之)680词,四级1040词(累计1720词),三级1580词(累计3300词),二级3200词(累计6500词),一级8100词(累计14600词)。根据语料库的统计结果,掌握五级四级的前1720詞,就可以读通英語资料的75%,掌握五、四、三、二級的6500詞,就可以读通英語资料的90%,掌握这14600詞,就可以读懂任何英語资料的95%,即从理论上说,任何一篇100词的文章里大概只有5个词不认识。想读外刊读原版书的同学可以尝试着去掌握这15000个词汇。

  5. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

  6. Merriam-Webster’s Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


Non-ESL词典是指英美国家人士使用的词典,特点是收词量大,释义用词精确,范围广,无上限,很多词典例句很少或没有,有点类似于我们用的《新华字典》和《汉语大词典》 。

  1. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary
    考GRE的同学可能对这本词典有印象,因为据说GRE考试的词汇主要依据就是韦氏大学辞典,GRE反义词所考短语用词也大多是M-W词典中的原话。韦氏大学词典深得美国人青睐,主要因为它具有150年历史,数代美国人都是在它的哺育下长大的,它在美国的地位相当于中国的《新华字典》 。曾经有人这么评论过:”韦氏词典是划时代的,它的出现标志着美语体系的独立”。韦氏大学词典目前已发展到第十一版,收词22.5万条,词义20余万条,提供词的产生年代,具有实用性和可读性,多义词按年代顺序排列,并增加用法说明,是韦氏词典各版中使用面最广泛的词典。

  2. American Heritage Dictionary(AHD)
    大名鼎鼎的《美国传统词典》初版于1969年,最新版为第四版,该词典是具有规范化色彩的英语词典之一,全面记载当代语言,雅俗兼顾,释义先给出中心词义,然后再给出引申义,对词的用法极其同义词均有说明,并有详细例证。该词典最大特色,即许多词条中有Usage Note (用法说明),给读者指明公认的确切用法。再有,该词典收有4,000多幅插画,版面清晰、赏心悦目,是美国畅销书之一,颇受学术界重视,尤其受到教师们欢迎。

  3. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary

  4. Concise Oxford English Dictionary
    《牛津简明英语词典》(Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 简称COED)是在OED的基础上发展起来的一本中型母语词典。它以“释义准确、可靠、简明”著称于世,是一部世界公认的权威英语工具书,也是牛津词典系列中最具代表性的一部,其发行量一直位居牛津词典之首。2004年牛津大学出版社推出了这部词典的第11版。这一版是《牛津简明英语词典》自1911年出版第1版以来十分重要的一版。它在继承和保持以往各版的特色和优点的基础上作了较大幅度的改进,其中最显著的特点就是收词量大,覆盖面广。

  5. Oxford English Dictionary(OED)
    (这本看看就好)牛津英语大词典(Oxford English Dictionary,就是大名鼎鼎的OED)事实上并不是一本词典,而是一套词典。OED一共有20卷,被视为最全面和权威的英语词典。截至2005年11月30日,该词典收录了301,100主词汇,字母数目达3亿5千万个。词典亦收录了157,000个以粗体印刷的组合和变形,以及169,000个以粗斜体印刷的短语和组合,令词典收录的词汇达到616,500个。另外,词典共列出137,000条读音、249,300个词源、577,000个互相参照和2,412,400句例子。像OED这样的巨无霸平时基本用不上,不过倒可以买一套回家收藏。